You never believed in astrology, until your horoscopes started getting incredibly specific, and always coming true...
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I Wish I Was A Virgo
Erin stormed up the front path and into the house. She slammed the front door shut behind her and the action released some of the pent up anger over the shit show life had become. Before she could get upstairs to hide away in her room her mother stepped into the hallway.
“Did the break up happen then?” she asked, her eyes sad but almost hopeful. Her theory was being proven correct.
“Of course it did,” Erin responded throwing her arms up in exasperation, “because, apparently, I no longer control my own life.”
“Oh sweetie,” her mum moved towards her and took her into her arms, “none of us seem to.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Erin said her voice muffled.
Her mother pulled back and held Erin at arms length. “Hopefully things will be better tomorrow, ok?”
Erin nodded morosely. “I’d like to go cry into my pillow now,” she said pulling out of her mothers loose grasp. “If that’s alright with you.”
Her mother smiled. “Of course sweetheart; just don’t be late for dinner.” She winked and then walked back into the living room chuckling.
Erin trudged upstairs and into her room. The place was a mess thanks to the past few days of craziness. She simply stepped through the piles of clothes, books and random bits and pieces till she reached her bed. She fell face-first onto it and simply stopped. After a few minutes of doing nothing she turned over onto her back and checked the time. Ten to five. She still had 40 minutes before she had to venture back downstairs.
After the day she’d had she thought it best to avoid social media but she wanted to vent. She scanned the war zone that was her bedroom and spotted a notebook amidst the leaning tower of books piled beside her desk chair. She grabbed it and a pen from the pot before sitting back down on her bed legs crossed.
‘The world has gone to shit. All thanks to the stars. I know. I know. I never would have believed it myself just last week but mum noticed; she’s always been into all that sort of stuff. She checks her horoscope and mine each day and would tell me about it ever so often if she thought it was interesting. I listened but didn’t pay it any mind. So she noticed. She noticed as the horoscopes started to get more specific. More specific and uncannily accurate. This week everything got worse. I’m a Taurus. On Monday I slapped my best friend, Tuesday I broke my arm and today my boyfriend broke up with me. Everyone’s effected though so it’s becoming difficult to navigate the outside world. I wish I was a virgo, like mum, she’s only gotten good things so far. I hope it stays that way for her but I’d like some good fortune of my own.’
“Hopefully tomorrow will be better.”