Who are we when no one is watching?

Write a poem that answers this question.

Versions Of Us

Who are we when no one is watching?

Are we the versions of ourselves that we hide because we know exactly what people would think if they saw them? We know that they won’t look at us the same way. Maybe the trust will leave their eyes. Maybe their smiles won’t ever come back when looking at us. We just know it will change, and it’s only human nature to hate change.

Are we the versions of ourselves that are awful and mean? Do we hide those versions because we want to protect other people from them? Do we hide those versions because they’re embarrassing? Do we hide those versions because people will leave us?

Maybe we know that the people who were once our closest friends will leave us. Maybe we know that the people who we love will stop loving us. Maybe that version of us is broken.

Maybe that version of us is unpopular.

Maybe that version of us is scary.

Maybe that version of us is the truth.

And the truth will always get out eventually.

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