by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.
The Creature
As she lay in bed she could sense that it was near. She felt a slight breeze of air rush over her, his heart was pounding now. This creature has been haunting him for months. she couldn’t escape it. The creature had never done anything to her but always watched over when she laid in bed. This was about to change. It was a normal Saturday night she watched some Netflix then settled down in bed at 10.00pm. She normally didn’t get to sleep for ages because it was watching her and she New it. But it wasn’t there tonight. So she got a good few hours sleep until 3.00am. A scream came from downstairs, she woke up rushed down to see what was happening. It was there, the creature, and it was holding her mum with a knife to her throat. This was the first time that she had see the creature so she was quiet surprised of how it looked but she needed to stay focused.she shouted” LET HER GO” the creature denied and put the knife even closer to her mum making a small stream of blood go down her neck.
“What do you want?” The girl said as a tear rolled down her cheek. It just stayed still, didn’t say anything just looked deep down into the little girls eyes. The girl ran upstairs to get her father. But before she could she heard a yell and then a thud on the ground. Her mum was dead. The girl charged into the creature but ran straight through her body. She was a ghost. And she killed her mum.