Morning Coffee

I took a careful sip of the steaming coffee, the warmth reaching down to my toes. I sighed contentedly, nothing could beat a cup of coffee on a cold winter day. Just then, the barista brought my freshly baked scone and placed it next to my newspaper. She flashed her familiar smile at me, and like everyday, I thanked her and tipped her. Once I had finished the newspaper sudoku, I felt the need to use the restroom. As I stood up, a wave of dizziness hit me suddenly and I grabbed the windowsill for support. The barista, Linda, noticed and rushed over with a face full of concern. “Jasmine? Are you alright?” She asked. “Just fine, I’m just a little dizzy is all.” I answered while pushing myself off of the wall. That was a bad decision. The dizziness hit me once more, and I tried to grab onto something, anything, but my vision failed me. I hit the ground hard, and the last thing I remember is Linda screaming.

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