You arrive at your holiday destination, pick up your luggage, and check into your hotel. You quickly realise you've collected the wrong suitcase, but what's inside it is too intriguing to ignore...
Spy Suitcase
This isn’t mine, I thought with a sinking feeling in my stomach. Now I had a stranger’s suitcase with who knows what. Things couldn’t be worse!
So I rifled through it, for kicks. Couldn’t hurt.
I was surprised, however, when I saw a bunch of IDs and a few disguises. What gives? I looked at the tag: maybe that was the real ID of the owner of this duffel.
It read a name that seemed made up. But wait- a phone number in case it got lost! Without hesitation, I called. I got some automated computer response with a menu.
“Press 1 if you want customer service. Press 2 if you want to speak to a representative- I pressed 2.
“Your call will be answered in the order it was received. “
I hung up. Then I called the airport about reporting loss of luggage. I had insurance on my bag; maybe I could make this right.