Spy Suitcase

This isn’t mine, I thought with a sinking feeling in my stomach. Now I had a stranger’s suitcase with who knows what. Things couldn’t be worse!

So I rifled through it, for kicks. Couldn’t hurt.

I was surprised, however, when I saw a bunch of IDs and a few disguises. What gives? I looked at the tag: maybe that was the real ID of the owner of this duffel.

It read a name that seemed made up. But wait- a phone number in case it got lost! Without hesitation, I called. I got some automated computer response with a menu.

“Press 1 if you want customer service. Press 2 if you want to speak to a representative- I pressed 2.

“Your call will be answered in the order it was received. “

I hung up. Then I called the airport about reporting loss of luggage. I had insurance on my bag; maybe I could make this right.

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