Write a series of letters exchanged between two best friends separated by conflict.

Try to develop your characters as much as possible while using only letter form. What relationship do they have, and how is it altered by conflict?

Dear My Dearest

Dear my Dearest, I know it wasn’t your fault. Hurt people hurt people. That’s simple. That’s life. And even though I hate you. Oh my dear how I love you. - L.O. Greetings, Do not put words into my mouth. Do not victimize yourself. You lie. You will never take my love away from me. She is mine. You messed up. You hurt us. All three of us. - V.E. Dear my Dearest, I would never. You and her are my everything. Do not misunderstand. - L.O. Hello, They say triangles are the strongest shape. But my daughter will not be affected by your incompetence to be loyal. Goodbye. - V.E. Dear my Dearest, Goodbye..
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