Pretty Pussycat

I groan out loud. I’ve been sitting here at this desk for hours. At least that’s what it feels like. Trying to write, trying to think of something to write about, something to get the creative juices flowing again, but nothing comes to mind. I can think of nothing. I look over in my armchair, dosing by the fire is my loyal cat. I ponder about her, what her life is like, what she does all day. I smile a little. I dip My pen in the ink bottle, setting it to the paper, a little ink dribbles there as I slowly write. I hum a little, looking at the words. Then I pause. Looking over at the dozing cat she stirs a little, and when she sees me watching her gives a little meow, and I can’t help but remember why I had to rescue her. I lean over to pet her, feeling the silky soft warm fur. She purrs for a bit then, when she’s had enough pets nips my hand, batting it away. I look at the paper and start to write once more, writing about the softest, warmest blanket, one that gives instant and complete comfort to anyone who wears it. That changes to a great treasure, the pen seems to dance across the page, ink now and then splatters fine drops of black ink. The inspiration flows, the small drops of ink that splatter do nothing to slow me down. I look back at her, she kneads dough, her claws come out and retract, she looks at me, sees me watching her and gives a great yawn, opening her mouth wide, revealing her sharp teeth. My mind shifts to a fierce predator, hunting her prey. My pen moves slower this time, the scratching sound clearer. More pronounced. She purrs again, curling up a little to doze back to sleep. I yawn and look over at the clock. I check the time again, how did it get so late so soon? I put the pen and ink away. And covering the pages so they don’t get damaged by the cat, who has a habit of destroying paper. I pet her gently before walking out of the office. A dull thud and soft meow tells me that she’s following me to bed. I turn the lights out as I leave the room, shutting the door behind us. I move slowly to the bedroom, bed after changing climb into bed, and soon feel her jump up too. I pet her and after telling her goodnight. Tun out the lights. Tired, though glad that I have such a well of inspiration.

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