He narrowed his eyes at her, laughing nervously. “What do you mean you’ve killed someone?“
“I’m dead serious, babe. We need to get moving. Pack your bags. “
You Know Too Much
“But… baby. We can’t just leave like that.” He said, his voice shaking.
Her eyes looked at him, pleading. She took his hands in hers. An expression of fear and astonishment plastered his face. How could she have killed someone? Why wasn’t she she answering his question?
His hands were shaking as he yanked them away from her grip.
“No! We can’t! What did you do?!” He yelled, terrified.
“It was self defense!” She screamed back.
How could self defense go so far as to kill someone?
He took a step back.
“Oh no… you know too much” she said, suddenly having a terrifying expression on her face.
She slowly approached him, backing him against a nearby wall. From her pocket, she took a pocket knife, and quickly and surely slit his throat.