Pick an object in your home, and describe its function as if it's absolutely magical and unbelievable.

Something as basic as a hair brush could be of magical origin, electrical objects a scientific wonder, everyday items could only have been designed by fairies!


I wasn’t even that sad when dad died, because I knew I would be able to see him again. It wasn’t that hard either.

All I had to do was concentrate. Then turn the TV on.


Spongebob was in the top left corner of the TV. My vision started going fuzzy at the edges. Soon, I couldn’t see Spongebob. Then, my hearing went funny and shut off any noise.

I changed the channel to Death on my mental TV remote.

“Good to see ya, Danny,” he said, “how are you?”

“Good thanks, dad! What about you?” Mental-me replied.

“Fine, apart from the fact I’m not exactly alive.”

“Mmhm...” I said, nodding my fake head.

“How are you seeing me?” He asked, after a pause.

“I’m not sure,” I said, but then I realised someone was calling my name. From the real world.

“I have to go,” I told dad, “but I’ll be back soon!”

“Promise?” He asked, his voice sounding slightly doubtful.


I switched the channel back and shouted, “coming, mum!”

From then on, everyday I went back to the Death channel to see my dad again.

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