Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
Running Into
“Hell, it’s been great to see you. We should keep in touch,” he said, reaching his right hand across to pat her shoulder, touching her in time with the word “touch.”
“I sure hope we do. It’s been too long, Jack.” She smiled a genuine smile, one that went past the ends of her mouth. There were subtle crow’s-feet, now, around her eyes that crinkled when she smiled. Her hair had just a touch more grey than blonde, now.
Still beautiful, he thought. Still everything I ever wanted. Before that thought could finish forming, he clamped down on it with his mind. This kind of sentimental bullshit - who falls for it? I barely know her anymore. It’s been years. What am I thinking?
Her husband - Brent, was it? Something like that - stepped forward to shake Jack’s hand. “Good to see you again. I hope we can - “ his eyes cut left, to something over Jack’s shoulder. “Mason! Put that down right now.” He stepped away to rein in his youngest son.
“Well, anyway. Yeah,” Jack said idiotically. “I guess it’s time for me to get home and feed the cat anyway.”
He watched her turn away, this girl - this woman - that he’d had such feelings for so long ago. Surrounded by her pack of children, her husband following with car keys in hand, he thought - well, no, felt really, without much real thinking - how he could never be for her what Brent is. How he knew, deep down, he could never give her the family and home that this other guy had. That actually stung in a way that the unrequited love hadn’t.
He turned to get his coat, thoughts turning to the highway traffic on the way home.