Inspired by Shadow Queen

You receive an invitation from Hades inviting you to the underworld for a chat.

Whether you place this in the current world, a fantasy world, or ancient times, think about how your character would respond to this request.

I Don’t Know

She glanced again at her cellphone, frowning. The date was certainly correct, no doubt about that. As for time, there was only twenty-three minutes until then. The place… Well, that’s where things got a little fuzzy.

‘Just go to the oldest building in your current town; don’t worry about trespassing signs, you’ll be fine. Make sure you’re there within five minutes of your assigned time, or you’ll miss it. Best not to keep the Lord of the Underworld waiting!’

After many hours of frantic googling, Elly had finally narrowed her search down to one of two places. Both were built in 1896, though it was unclear which had been first. Fortunately, the two were right next to each other; only a foot or two between them.

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