Submitted by XOXO, Zain
“I was quiet, but I was not blind.” - Jane Austen
Use this quote as the main theme or message of a story.
Quiet But Not Blind
I was quiet, but I was not blind.
Always watching, eyes wide in observation.
Taking in as much as I could, hungrily, greedily.
Is it a crime to want the gift of knowledge untainted by my presence?
Reality is so much more real without the impulse to alter it with unimportant verbal clutter.
I was quiet, so most assumed I was unengaged, but I assure you,
I am deep in private conversation with the elements of my world that require silence to make themselves known.
Always listening for the things that would only whisper in my ear if I let them come to me first.
And trust me, there are so many wondorous lessons to learn if you’re patient enough to watch and listen.