Write a descriptive scene about a character forced to use a unique mode of transportation.

A Curious Commute

When Macy told her brother he could borrow her car, she meant for a few hours. A day at most, maybe. Yet here she stood on Monday morning, getting ready to go to work with no car to drive her there.

Macy pulled out her phone and called her brother, muttering curses under her breath when, of course, he didn't answer. She had to settle for leaving a scathing voicemail, instead. "You're an ass, Wyatt. You know I need my car to get to work, and I find it hard believe that your furniture pick up is taking longer than expected. Figure out your shit and get my car back to me by tonight!"

While felt slightly better at being able to voice her frustrations, it didn't change the fact that her driveway was empty and she had to be a work in 30 minutes. Macy cursed Wyatt under her breath one more time before taking a deep breath and switching her focus over to solutions to her transportation dilemma.

Uber was the first, most obvious answer, but the cost would have been outrageous, especially at this time in the morning.

Riding her bike came to mind next, but that thought was immediately followed by the memory of riding over a rock that popped the front tire of her bike. She hung her head at the realization it was a tire she had yet to fix. So bicycle was out.

Wait. Bicycle was out, but fortunately - or maybe unfortunately, she hadn't decided yet - she did have one final option that was looking more and more likely by the second.

Her unicycle.

It was a phase in high school that Macy tried her hardest to forget about. Never mind the fact that she kept it in her garage. Never mind the fact that it was going to have to be her mode of transportation to work this morning.

Macy sighed in resignment before venturing out to her garage to dig out her unicycle. Within 5 minutes, she was out in front of her house with her unicycle in front of her and her work bag resting on her back. She shook her head one last time, wondering how she got to this point in her life, before climbing into her seat.

As loathe as she was to admit it, it felt as if no time had passed since the last time she had ridden. She balanced and started pedaling as if it was second nature. As she started rolling down the sidewalk, she kept her gaze firmly ahead and ignored all of the stares she felt burning holes through her skin.

Macy belatedly realized how fortunate she was that it a nice day outside. October can be a craps shoot in terms of weather, but it was sunny and warm out, making for a somewhat pleasant commute. All things considered, of course.

As she got closer and closer to the office, the bewildered looks only got more and more frequent. Macy, on the other hand, was slightly horrified how good she still was at this. She weaved around other people walking and riding bikes on the sidewalk with ease. Even with the slightly off balancing weight of her bag on her back, she made the adjustments and shifted her body weight on instinct. To Macy, this riding her unicycle was easier than riding her bike had ever been.

When Macy finally pedaled up to her office, she was was happy to see that she had about 10 minutes to spare before her work day officially started. And it was 10 minutes she would need, because where the hell was she supposed to keep a unicycle for the day?

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