Write the origin story of a supernatural villian.
Make this villian up instead of using one from a story. How did they come to be evil?
Some say evil is a choice. Something one does just for the thrill of it.
But I see it a bit differently.
I think it's a decision other people make for you. They push you and pull you until you ultimately snap.
And then they wonder what went wrong.
'Oh, how did a such a sweet, innocent child end up like this?' they wail, willingly ignorant to the hand they played in this story. Blind to the fact that this... monster was purely their own creation.
They pushed.
They pulled.
They prodded.
I snapped.
It wasn't without warning. But, much like a dog continuously reprimanded for a wary growl, my last resort was to bite. Hard.
My defiance was not to be tolerated, and was met with overwhelming force.
The deciding factor between me versus them? I had nothing to lose.
But I had everything to gain.
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