Write a story which takes place on a hot air balloon.

In this uncommon setting, what plot elements drive your story?

Hot Air Balloon Romance

"Sandra, will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh, yes! Of course, I'll marry you, Phil!"

Phil got off of his knee and kissed her. The third person in the balloon was actually a photographer in disguise and managed to get marvelous pictures of the newly engaged couple.

The sun was just setting, casting magnificent golden rays into the balloon as Phil and Sandra drifted just below the clouds.

They had just started their descent, when winds began shaking the balloon. The three passengers huddled in the middle of the balloon, away from all of the sides. But the wind started swaying the basket so much, that it was impossible for them to stay still.

They were being thrown about, trying to remain standing. One terrible gust of wind sent Phil teetering very close to the edge of the balloon.

"Phil!" Sandra called out from the other side of the balloon, reaching her arm out towards him.

He teetered for a few moments, before pulling himself safely back inside the balloon, causing Sandra to let out a big sigh of relief.

Just then, the basket rocked, causing him to fall




                                                                                                   to his doom. 
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