
My eyes blinked open to the harsh fluorescent lights. Everything was white, and too bright for me. My head ached.

I went to move up when something held me back. I slowly glanced over to see an IV sticking out of my arm. Was I in the.... hospital? How did I get here?

I blinked a few times and attempted to stretch when a nurse came in. She smiled when she saw me.

"Great, you're awake!"

I tried to respond, but instead ended up coughing trying to clear my throat. My voice was painfully raspy. "Where am I?"

She smiled, far to chipper for my liking, "You're in the hospital! You've been here for 6 hours, since five in the morning."

I was confused, five in the morning? I tried to remember where I had been last night, but I couldn't. I remembered it being loud, and glitter for some reason, but nothing else.

"Umm, what happened to me?"

Her smile faded. "I can't tell you that right now. I'm not permitted to."

"What!? Why?"

She left without answering, leaving me alone in a hospital room.

Thirty minutes went by before I saw anyone else. I had looked around the room, a small painfully white place with a tiny television and a window displaying a parking lot. There was a curtain separating me from the rest of the room. The IV continued pumping some sort of liquids into my arm, and something beeped annoyingly, but I couldn't find the source. I tried and tried to remember why I was here, or where I was last night, but to no avail.

A stern looking older man walked into the room, standing in front of me. Finally, someone I could get answers from.

"Kate Jones?"

"That's me."

He smiled, "Hello, I'm Dr. Mallard, and I'm here to help you. We, as of right now are unable to find out what's wrong, but we'll just be running some tests later today. Anything I can assist you with?"

"Uh, yeah, why am I here?"

He sighed. "I'm afraid you aren't allowed to know that. Not yet."

I was getting annoyed now, feeble as I was. "Why does everyone keep telling me that?? Why not?!"

He grew cold, his mouth setting into a straight line. "Listen, it would not be good for your well-being to hear anything right now, consider it confidential. Now, anything I can assist you with?"

I rolled my eyes. "I have to use the bathroom."

Once I had finally made it to the bathroom with my IV's, I stared in the mirror, trying to piece together what had happened through my looks. My hair was a mess, a big brunette frizzy mess. My makeup was smudged, and I looked like a raccoon with black and glittery eyes, and I had bruises on my arms and face.

What happened to me?

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