A Mysterious Man

It was a beautiful sunny day when Hannah arrived at her favorite coffee shop. After getting her usual, large iced coffee and a banana marshmallow muffin, Hannah sat down at her favorite table outside to do a little people watching. That was when she saw him. The most beautiful man she had ever seen, and he was looking right at her. He had the most beautiful golden hair that fell in waves just past his shoulders. When their eyes met Hannah could swear she felt something awaken inside of her. She had to know his name, but before she could move to approach him he appeared right in front of her. Hannah gasped and clutches her hand to her chest. How could someone move so fast?! Just as Hannah was able to regain her composure the mysterious man took her hand kissing it and saying, “Hello, you must forgive me for startling you. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I just had to rush over to introduce myself. My name is Leo Montgomery it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss?”

“Hannah. Hannah Melvin,” Hannah replied.

“Hello, Hannah,” Leo said smiling the most dazzling smile. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

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