Without planning or drafting, write the opening page of your story.

We will revisit this prompt at the end of the month to see how your ideas and skills have developed!

Chapter 1: The Tale Of Two Sisters Pt.2

Clarity realized who she had bumped into, Isabella lopez the cazador de la clonacion (hunter of cloning)and part of the cazadores de la noche (hunters of the night, people who protect the mystical realms) she was around 28 she had chocolote skin, Hazel eyes, curly nut brown hair pulled

into a braid, and a sweet smile she had her Cazador uniform on a navy blue ninja like suit with gold lining and black gloves. She probably had just come back from training cause her uniform had dirt on it and sweat was

trickling down her forehead "¿estas bien?" Isabella asked in a gentle voice her hazel eyes filled with concern. "I-um uh" clarity was to awestruck to speak and just nodded. Isabella offered her a reassuring smile and extended a

hand to help her up "whats your name?" Clarity finally found her voice and stammered "M-my name is clarity and my sister sh she's unconcious by the lake and she wont wake up!" Isabella's expression hardend as she

proccessed claritys words. Without wasting another moment, Isabella tightend her grip on Clarity's hand and said "well what are you just standing there I dont know which lake youre talking about" "oh right" and Clarity led the

way, however it was getting dark and they could barely see.

They finally made it to the lakeshore, Isabella knelt down by Hiraeth and felt her cold face, she carfully grabbed the crystaland slipped it into her pocket then she

her other pocket and pulled out a pouch filled with spazzoberries, took two out and fed them to Hiraeth and she shot straight up breathing heavily she swallowed and said "wh-what happend?" Isabella's eyes welled up with

relief as Hiraeth regained conciousness "I think we she take her to the hospital just in case" said clarity her voice filled with concern. So they helped her through the forest, the moonlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting

eerie shadows that danced around them. They finally made it to the hospital, and Isabella filled out the proper forms keeping a watchful eye on the girls, Hiraeth looked antsy, the secretary called their name and they went in to find and older bald man about fifty with a scruffy white mustach,

* * *

"Well hello Hiraeth sit down right here please" He pointed to a small bed in the middle of the room between two stools, on the left there was a white cabinet filled with diffirent medicines, and on the

right there was an antique wooden table with all kinds of doctor tools some of which frightend 16 year old clarity.

Hiraeth gingerly sat down the doctor then performed regular tests such as checking her heartbeat, weight, height, temperture, and her reflexes. The doctor then anounced that she was fine and that there was no reason for imediate concern, but clarity felt otherwise, Isabella thanked the doctor and

escorted the girls home, she asked them if she could be back to take them to meet king Alfonso (who was also the leador of the cazadores the cazador de magic) so they can find out exactly what happend, the girls agreed, and isabella bid them farwell. They looked to there home a dreary two story

house with faded yellow walls and broken red tile roof, smoke was flowing out of the chiped chimney letting out the sweet smell of soup which added warmth to this gloomy sight. Their mother rushed over to hug them she was still in her cleaners uniform, their mother worked at the garcias she would do the

Cooking, cleaning, laundry, and would watch Daniela and Irene Mr. Garcias six year old daughters who had just lost his wife and needed an extra hand. She squeezed them so hard they thought they would burst "Gracias a dios I was so worried, why are you two soaking wet!" Hiraeth and clarity took turns

explaining what had happend, their mothers face softend a little but clarity could tell she was worried, "well as long as your okay, her I made some soup you can go eat by the fire" so they grabbed their bowls and two stools and sat by the fire place, the sisters ate in silence the only sounds to be heard

were the clanging of spoons and the crackling of the fireplace. Afterwards they washed their dishes said goodnight to their mom and carefully scurried up the stairs to their room, since they go give out at any moment. Their bedroom could hardly be called a bedroom, it had peeling fuchia paint, rusted nails sticking out of the walls, a hole in the side which acted as a window, two worn out springy beds, and

a small wooden dresser barely holding on to its handels. They placed on their maroon nightgowns and slipped into bed, Hiraeth was a bit too quiet usually she talks and talks to the point where their mother has to come up and tell them to quit down, but tonight she just stared put the window lost in her

thoughts. Clarity tried to break up the silence by asking "what happend when you touched the stone?" But that was a mistake, cause that seemed to annoy Hiraeth "nothing happend I just blacked out alright! Now can we please go to bed?" She snapped "esta bien" clarity replied "gracias" hiraeth said laying back down, clarity was worried about her and what really happend when she touched that stone

But she reminded herself that she would find out in the morning and dozed off

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