Submitted by Cara

“My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed their way open. Pockets of sweat bubbled above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realised, I was trapped.

Start to a short story with a crime/hostage themed prose.


My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed there way open. Pockets of sweat bubbles above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realized, I was trapped. I was trapped in a small contained space. I suddenly realized it wasn’t just any space, it was a tiny wooden box. The crate was just big enough to fit my body. I noticed my clothes had been ripped and I had bruises over half my body. Whoever put me in here was not careful at all. I had no idea how long I had been in there, but by the disturbing noises my body was making I had been in here for days if not weeks. I knew that if I did not have food or water soon I would start to whither away. I had to come up with some way to get out of here and quick. Would I ever be able to escape?

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