Submitted by Orelli

I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

Write the story leading up to, or going forward from, here.

The Cliff

“We have to go!” I yelled to my little sister.

“But why?” She cried.

“I will explain in the way.”I said, as I grabbed my sisters wrist and ran with her just barely keeping up.

“Who were those guys that broke into our house?”

I ignored my sisters questions, they could wait until I made sure she was safe. I ran towards the forest, figuring it was the safest place to hide.

Once we were deep in the woods, I hid us behind a very large tree, hoping that no one would see us.

“Who were those guys?” My little sister asked again.

“Mom and Dad…aren’t who you think they are.” I said slowly, trying hard not to freak my sister out.

“What do you mean?” She asked quietly, hardly audible.

“I mean…Mom and Dad, got tangled into some pretty dark stuff. I over heard them fighting the other night about how they never should’ve made the deal, because now they were putting us in danger and hadn’t fully considered that.”

“What did they get into?”

“They started selling illegal drugs, and got with dangerous people. They told those people that they were no longer comfortable with the situation, so those guys are going after them…and now us too. That’s why we moved to a different city, trying to run from those guys. But they found us.” A tear slide down my pale cheeks as I saw my sisters hurt and confused face, but she needed to know the whole truth, so I took a deep breath and continued, “Mom and Dad talked to me a few weeks ago when we moved here and they told me that if anything happened, to forget them and protect you. I just didn’t realize they would find us so fast.”

My sister was silent for a while, leaving me to only guess the things going on in her mind. Then she finally asked, “What does any of this have to do with us?”

“Because they use us to get to Mom and Dad.” I was going to say more, but then I heard voices. They were the voices that belonged to those horrible men.

“Over there!” One shouted and when I looked they were running towards us with angry faces.

“Quick!” I shouted as I jumped to my feet and grabbed me sisters hand and pulled her along with me. It felt like we ran for miles, which we probably did, until we reached a cliff.

“No where to run now girls.” The other said, with a terrifying smile spread across his face.

“What did you do to our parents?” Shouted my little sister.

I covered my sisters mouth, for I feared that if either of us talked to them, they would some how find a way to hurt us.

“They’re dead!” They started laughing making me want to lunge at them. But I didn’t, for my sisters sake.

They kept walking closer and closer to us, until we were finally at the very end of the cliff.

They tried to grab us, but I was 10 steps ahead of them. I grabbed me sisters hand tightly, and jumped off the cliff, missing their hands by mere seconds.

We fell and fell and fell, until we hit a pool of deep water.

We swam to the land, and I knew a little town, about 50 miles north.

When we got there, the people welcomed us and let us live there. Even swore to protect us.

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