Write the story that led to this image
The Fire
Why me, she thought while brushing her hands against the thin needles of the pine tree. She had never done anything could have possibly led to this, and yet it still happened. She then looked back setting her gaze upon the burning house. The fire crackled and slowly rose. It was beautiful to her, but she didn’t have time to think of that. The estate was all she ever had, she never knew her family. From a young age her family died in a similar house fire, she rarely remembers it but she remembers running to her parents room, fear in her voice as she yelled for them and seeing them slowly die in the fire that was started by something she was unaware of. She shook the thought out of her head, “I don’t have time for this” she thought. The maids and servants that had raised her so well seemed to have died in the house fire, she looked back at the fire with tears slowly forming in her eyes. “I’ll miss you,” she said, her voice being ragged and broken from inhaling to much smoke. Sirens slowly arose from the sound of the burning mansion, “I need to get out of here.” She stared at the mansion one last time and started her way through the snow. She picked up her long white dress that was laced with small patterns and headed down a beaten trail. She had rarely used this trail but it led to a small house they had used as a storage area. She stopped halfway panting to catch her breath, her face and feet blood red from the cold. She continued on her way until she saw a small house in the distance, “Finally, I can rest” she sighed slowing down her pace and walking to the entrance.
She lit the fireplace within the house and warmed her self. She was filled with adrenaline and was unable to feel herself almost freezing to death. She blew out the small fire and set up a small bed. The house had been used as a storage room before hand so there were many things that were helpful. She wasn’t even able to fully set up a place to sleep before slowly drifting away into the trance of sleep.
“What’s that sound” She thought while stretching to become fully awake. She rubbed her eyes that were covered in ash and looked around, the house was on fire. She bolted up almost as if she had been awake for hours, “I need to get as much stuff as possible and get out.” With that thought process in mind she hastily grabbed two boxes and sprinted out of the house. Tripping on a rock outside she fell, dropping the boxes and spilling the contents. She looked to see what had become of the house only to see it being completely destroyed in the fire. She had no time to feel sorrow, she attempted to pick up the contents of the box that had fallen out and put them back in. She found a paper that was aged and was torn a bit. “That looks like me” she thought looking at the paper seeing her picture of herself from when she was younger and with her “name” there. “What’s this name?” She thought to herself. In big bold letters at the top of the page it said, “Sage Brighton.”
“I know I’m unaware of my parents but I know my own name.” She scoffed in denial throwing the paper back into the white snow. She pulled back her long red hair using a ribbon and continued on her way with boxes. “Who did this?” She thought to herself. She knew there was no way this was a coincidence. Whoever did it was close to the family, the security they had was to good to let a stranger in. She glanced over at the paper that had seemed to blow her way in the wind and decided to read it, “Day 26; Patient seems to be exhibiting sleep walking habits, they get more and more violent every time, we believe this is the after math of her trauma.” “Day 38; Patient denies memories of things she did while sleep walking, if this keeps up we could be in danger.” “Day 53; Some people have come they seem determined to get the patient out, they are dressed in all black, this may be the last entry.”