Your character wakes up with no recollection of the past year.
Try to think about your character first and add some backstory, so that their response to this situation is believable and fitting for who they are.
Emperor Trump
John slowly opened his eyes and blinked against the bright sunlight streaming into the room. He yawned mightily and stretched his arms wide as he struggled to rise from his warm bed. He glanced at his alarm clock and smirked as he once again woke before the alarm went off. He flicked the tiny switch on the side of the device and listened to the voices of the morning announcers talking about the days events. John scratched his butt cheek as he shambled into the bathroom.
“…so okay folks, don’t forget. Today is the day we all pay tribute to our glorious leader, Emperor Trump!” Said a deep gravely voice.
“THat’s right my fellow Americans. Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, flag the new flag and make sure you are near. a television this evening at 6pm local time.”
John jolted out of the bathroom, eyes wide, white foam dripping from his lips.
“Emperor Trump? Emperor? New flag?” What the hell is that about? John thought. Maybe it’s someone’s idea of a joke. He turned off the radio and jumped in the shower.
Two hours later John walked into the short non-description office building, oblivious to the red, white and black flag flying from the flagpole. The elevator dinged and doors slide open as John hurried out and navigated his way to his desk.
“John? What are you doing here?” John’s head shot up as he spied his boss, Bill Corder, moving towards him. Bill looked furious as he huffed and puffed his way through the cubicles. John glanced at this watch just making sure he wasn’t late.
“What’re you talking about? I work here. I’ve got a deadline coming up and I’m pretty busy, Bill.”
“Uh, no you don’t!” JOhn looked at his boss quizzically.
“What’re you talking about? I don’t what? Have a deadline or a job?”
“Both! You quit three months ago. In fact, how did you get in here?” Bill glanced around for one of the newly installed security guards. He spied the tall, burly man standing near the emergency exit and started waving wildly and pointing at John.
“Bill, what are you talking about? of course I work here. I’ve worked here for eight years and I’m pretty busy…”. John’s voice trailed off as he neared his cubicle and suddenly noticed that he didn’t recognize the faces staring at him.
“Where’s Sarah?” He asked to the nearest stranger.
“Who’s Sarah?” John’s eyes spun about and he blinked rapidly. Beads of sweat broke out on his brow and he vaguely started to notice his hands and feet getting clammy. Suddenly a strange anthem of music started playing on the speakers mounted on the walls. Everyone rose and turned towards the windows and placed their hands across their chests. John turned about and saw Bill following suit.
“Bill, what is going on..”
“Shut up John, you’re gonna get us in trouble.”
“Bill, what the FU-“
“Sir, I need you to come with me.” A deep voice boomed from behind the men. John spun around while Bill stayed motionless. The security guard reached out and grasped John’s upper arm in a vice like grip. John spotted a strange flag on the man’s uniform and some strange writing below it.
“NO! GET OFF ME! “. John tried to break free from the man’s grip. The guard scowled and pulled his firearm from the holster on his hip. Without a missing a beat the guard pointed it at John and pulled the hammer back with his thumb.
“One.” He growled. John saw the gun and began to struggle harder.
“Two.” The guard said low. Tears began to stream down John’s face as the thought of defeat entered his brain.
“WHAT IS GOING ON!?” JOhn bellowed to the hundred eyes watching his execution.
“You disrespected Emperor Trump’s National Anthem and you are trespassing.” The guard said forcefully.
“Don’t you mean President Trump?” John said rhetorically. The guards eyebrows furrowed, as he cocked his head slowly to the side.
“He hasn’t been President for almost a year. Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury.” The guards grip lessened.
“Did you!?!” John sensed his chance and jerked his arm free. He spun about and started running for the exit. He heard his heart pounding in his ears as pieces of the wall next to his head exploded. He ducked and dove for the door. His body slammed into the door. He reached up and fumbled with he handle and as he struggled the hulking guard appeared from behind him. John thought he was home free just as the first bullet punctured his back and travelled through his spine and into his heart killing him instantly. His body fell to the ground as blood poured forth. The security guard pushed JOhn’s body away from the doorway and carefully reloaded his sidearm. He jammed it into the holster and spun about to face the office workers.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll call housekeeping staff.” Bill mumbled as he hurried off to the safety of his office.