You receive a letter from a parallel world, addressed to your parallel self. It seems they are in danger, and you must help them.

Continue the story.

Dear Ariel

“Dear Ariel,

You’re not supposed to know I exist. I’m definitely not supposed to be writing this to you. But I’m out of options. You’re my only hope. My world is falling apart. Everything has gone wrong. Please. I need your help! If you are willing to help, replace this note with one of your own. I’ll come pick it up. Please, we’re desperate!



This is the second note that’s found it’s way onto my dresser. I have no idea who this “Leira” person is, nor how she knows me by name. But I’m not a hero, and I have no skills to offer that would help her. I’m just a massage therapist. Why can’t I know who she is?? And why has she asked me for help? Why not the police, or the FBI?? These questions keep me up all night. They run through my head as I work with clients. They distract me as I eat dinner. I guess it’s time to respond. Maybe I’ll sleep some tonight if I write to her before bed.

“Dear Leira, whoever you are,

Why have you contacted me? And how are you getting into my house when you leave me notes? I have a lot of questions for you, can we meet face to face? I’m sorry your life is falling apart. But I don’t know you, and I don’t understand why you think I can help you! Maybe if you explained the situation, we could work together to find a solution. We could get the police involved if needed! Please I need answers!



The note was gone when I awoke. And another had taken its place. A chill went through me. She was in my house. She got in while I was there, sleeping, and left the note. I slept through the whole thing. Trembling, I picked up the note and began to read.

“Dear Ariel,

You’re right. You don’t know me. But I know you. I’ve known you since you were three years old. I’ve watched you over the years. There have been so many times where I wished I could reach out and comfort you when you cried. But you couldn’t know about me, so I kept my distance. Oh I used to have the greatest time watching you and your friends play dress up. I always wished I could join in. But enough about that. I’ll tell you a few things about myself so you feel more comfortable helping me. Did you know we’re the same age? You could almost say we grew up together. I work as my worlds version of a physical therapist. And that’s the other thing about me when I said my world was falling apart, I didn’t mean just my life. I meant my whole world. I’m not from the same world you are. And my world needs help.



I couldn’t breathe. I just sat there unblinking. There was so much to process. So many things to work through. I apparently have had a stalker for most of my life. Said stalker is apparently an alien, and somehow we’re the same age. What do I do? Do I call the police?? How do I explain this? I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, and laughed hysterically. “I mean seriously, what do I do??” I asked out loud.

“What you think is right.” I responded. Wait I didn’t say that. But the mirror made it look like I did. And I heard it.

“I know this is confusing. But I can explain.”

That’s about when I passed out.

It was a dream. That’s all. Just a really weird dream. I slowly got up off the floor.

“Ariel! Are you alright??”

I just stared. My own reflection was asking if I was alright!

“Don’t pass out again, please, let me explain!”

“Who are you? And how are you talking? Wait no, why is my mirror talking to me?!? What’s going on???”

“My name is Leira. And I am you but in another universe. When your parents bought you this dresser when you were three years old, it opened a gateway into my universe. My world connects to yours in a way that allows me to see what goes on in your life. But until now, you could never see into mine. I’m running out of time. It’s hard to explain. But my world is on the verge of collapse, and I need your help!”

I felt crazy, and I knew I had to be insane. But I also felt the need to help. I looked into the mirror, and smiled.

“What do you need me to do?”

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