Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

Loving Him Alone

Tears rolled down Kiera’s brown sugar colored cheeks as she stared intently at the text message on her iphone in disbelief. It read, “Kiera, I’m really sorry to tell you this in text, but I’m breaking up with you. I hope you have a good day.” Tears turned to heat. Kiera grabbed her keys and purse, ran through the front door, slamming it behind her. She threw her purse across the seat of her blue Nissan Ultima, and shoved the key into the ignition. The engine roared. She squealed beyond safety standards out of the driveway and down the road to the familiar route towards Zach’s house. “He just can’t break up with me now. Not like this! I will tell him finally what I should have said already. Then it will all be okay.” She said to herself with hope. Zach’s house wasn’t too far but it was mere minutes before she arrived at his front door. Knock knock knock! A groggy looking Zach came to the door half dressed in black boxers, disheveled blonde hair, and piercing green eyes. “What on earth are you doing here Kiera? Didn’t you get my text?” Kiera snapped, “Yes I did and came right away! Sorry it’s so early but I MUST tell you something.” “Fiiiine come inside….” Zach shuffled backwards in the foyer reluctantly, shutting the door behind him. “Zach, look. I know we’ve had it rough trying to make a relationship work and we’ve had our moments of good times too, but I never expressed the truth.” “What truth?” Zach crossed his arms partially annoyed but also curious. “Zach, the truth is…you’ve always been my favorite guy to date and I just was scared to say something too early ya know? I didn’t want to jinx what we had going. But I have to tell you now….Zach…I love you. I have for a long time now.” Zach unfolded his arms placing them on the back of his head. “Daggonit Kiera. Why did you have to say that? I also have a truth…” “Yeah?” Kiera’s pool blue eyes grew wider with anticipation. “Kiera…I don’t love you…and I tried to get there but it never happened for me. That’s why I texted you. I am sorry to get your hopes up.” “Zach!! Are you saying I loved you alone? All by myself?” “Yeah Kiera. I realized I’m in love with someone else…” Kiera spinned around, opened the door, and stepped out. “I hope for your sake whoever it is loves YOU or you’ll be loving HER alone.” She slammed the door never to speak to Zach again.
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