
“Was that…”


“Was it okay?”

“Have you been waiting to do that for a while? I just mean …”

“It seemed like it? Yeah, I have. Haven’t you?”

“Yeah. I just never could figure out how or when to do it.”

“Well, it’s done.”


“And I think I can feel the change beginning now.”

“Change? I thought …”

“Not a bad change, relax. A good change. For our friendship. We’ve been through a lot together and can now face new territories.”

“Whew. Exciting, isn’t it?”

“It should be. Who knows?”

“My heart is still racing.”

“Mine too. We haven’t felt like this in a long time, huh?”

“Things become stagnant. Things need to change to grow.”

“I’ve heard that things that don’t grow die. We had to do this to survive, huh? To survive us?”

“Yeah, to survive us.”

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