Your protagonist meets the love of their life whilst waiting for a flight, but their soulmate is flying off to a far-away country.

Continue the story from the moment they part.


Why? Why is it me who has to feel this pain? This heartache?

I thought I found the one, sure, we only knew each other for a moment, but it felt like a lifetime.

I feel the ache growing as we take off, flying farther and farther away from each other.

I pull my knees up to myself, trying to become smaller. Trying to take the heartache away.

Will I ever see him again? Probably not.

Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.

But the thought of not seeing his face or hearing his voice again, his laughter, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Does he feel the same way I do? Does he feel this pain? This hurt?

I sit still, trying not to cry, to show, to _feel_.

It doesn’t work.

I feel wet, hot tears slide down my face.

Why, why, why, _why_?

I wipe angrily at my face, trying to stop the tears.

I know my heart will never be the same, but I’m trying to tell myself It’ll be okay. It has to be.

The pain only grows, I could have done something, _should_ have done something.

But no.

Why? Why did it have to be me?

I was happy. For a short time with him.

For a moment, everything was perfect.

But then he went one way, and I went the other.

My heart breaking every step I took, taking us farther apart.

Now, I just sit here, with my thoughts.

My heartache.

My heartbreak.

Hoping, one day, I’ll heal.

The End.

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