by Adellanuki @ deviantart

Use this image as the setting for a story, poem, or descriptive piece.

Prompt 4

She bundled the ends of her coat over her chest more tightly, turning to look around as the subtle wind blew at the loose strands of her hair.

This was where they were supposed to meet. Near the arched structure in the park. It was early in the morning; the large walkway was illuminated by lanterns scattered around the landscaped clearing, the light reflecting off the night’s fresh layer of snow.

The architecture was always fascinating to her. She was glad he picked this location. She’d taken a few walks in the park since being stationed in the city. It was a historically and culturally rich location; something she was excited for when first hearing of her transfer.

Adjusting the knitted hat over her head, she continued to look around, looking for a spark of familiarity in the few people who were out at the hour.

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