Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
Early Morning
I love the early morning its nice and peaceful, the air is fresh its just so beautiful. My favorite part of the morning is when we have to go down to the lake shore to wash up and collect the water we need for the day. the path down to the shore is called the misty path because every morning as the mist rolls through is covers the path the most and lingers longer than most other areas. I don't think it is a bad thing like most folks do, yes it is hard to see sometimes but to me I feel alone and lost so than I let my imagine run wild. I see it as my alone time since privacy is very hard to come by after having to rebuild from that raid that hit us last month we nearly lost everything this time. It'd be better if half of our warriors stood guard and protected us from the raid instead of them all going out and raiding together them selves, but I am just a lowly villager that no one will take seriously. I am glad we have the misty path without it I feel like I would go insane trying to express myself without privacy, because than I will look weak and I do not want that it will mess up my chances of becoming a warrior one day.