Write a passage that includes an anagram of an important word.
An anagram is a scrambled version of a word that contains the same letters. For example, an anagram of "Astronomer" could be "Moon Starer".
A Gentleman
The man that captured my heart was a gentleman. He was a rare and dying breed of lover. He was kind and affectionate. He was an elegant man offering grace and mercy to me daily. He spoke softly and listed intently. He touched me in a way that brought safety and security to my soul. My gentleman was sent here to protect me from the outside world. I was the only one who considered him an elegant man. He would walk out the door and head off to work, a leader, not afraid to get his hands dirty. He was the boss that had calluses like the rest of his team but he also joined me every night in the kitchen and dipped his hands in flour never expecting him meal to be waiting on him.