In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.
What will you tell them?
Meaning Of Life
What is the meaning of life
Sure I could say the meaning of life is to become rich and famous, after all most of fantasize about that anyway. Having adoring fans that will follow you and do whatever you say. It sounds nice and it would defiantly mean you would be remembered when you die.
Of course people don’t want to think about death at all. People don’t die they pass away or move on to the other side, there not gone,not completely anyway. We want to, need to hold on to hope that there is something after all this right? It what? Is this a test from the gods? Perhaps if we pray and dedicate our lives here to the gods they will reward us for our dedication in the next life? Maybe? Who am I to know for sure, I do not pretend to be a speaker of the gods. I am simply an ordinary human like you, living everyday the best I can.
So maybe that’s the meaning of life
Not to be the best
But to be our best sleeves.
Our best sleeves? What does that mean?
Who can say for sure, that is a question only one person in the entire world can answer. You
What .
Best .