
When I see dragons in movies or practically anything, it takes me through a loophole of thought. I suppose it’s still an odd fixation of mine, but I take an interest to them. How To Train Your Dragon was my absolute favorite when I was little (still is). If someone were to ask me why I like(d) it so much, I would’ve probably shrugged shyly or said β€œwell why not?” But I think the truth of it is that it held my innocence. The little girl that knew so much of the harshness of life at such a young age, but was too young to understand, found her escape through dragons. It was my little obsession, and I never got tired. When I would go to school, me and my friends would play with our dragons. We’d make up the best story lines and even made our own (incomplete yet full) book of made up species. The three of us even made many of our little winged beats out of paper. When we were supposed to be busy on our work, instead, we would be drawing outlines and cutting little paper dragons out out. (Yes, we played with them.)

Metal Fury

Mega Fury

Song Fury

Love Fury

Lava Fury

Hypno Fury

Blood Fury

(Toothless/the Light Fury were our favorites, if you couldn’t tell.) I won’t take the time to explain them, because it might take a while.

When I was little, I used to stay up late imagining sneaking out of the house to meet a winged friend in the middle of the night. He would take me high into the sky. While we flew, everyone below was completely oblivious. It was just my dragon and I, and the cool kiss of a chilling breeze. And in that little story of mine, I was the only one who could see him.

If I hadn’t had dragons, I don’t know what I would’ve done. School would’ve been pretty boring. What would I have thought about when I got home? I like to think it was Gods way of keeping a little girl safe from at home conflictβ€”my little dragons were my angels. Arguments were held and I had no control. But later I’d dream of me riding Toothless off into the night and, for a moment, everything was okay.

Of course, I still grew up at a young age. But at least I had my imagination while doing it. And I dare say, I’ve managed to keep it rather close to my heart. Imagination has never meant weakness to me, either.

Anyways, dragons are what remind me of my childhood. I love them, and always will.

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