Write a poem inspired by a tarot card.

Some of the characters of these cards include Death, Justice, Judgement, the Moon, the Magician, and many more. What can this character symbolise in your poem?


Up on the blocks bend over Pull back I imagine myself in the water Swim fast Don’t be scared Swimming for five years and yet I still worry That I will drown Get sick Or just go slow My Mom doesn’t care how I do She just cares that I love the sport But if she doesn’t care Then why do I Why do I care if I go slow I’m only fourteen I’m not joining the Olympics This is only a small swim meet Assess the other team They look fast But so am I I forget that I am one of the fastest on the team Every Single Time. I may not look the part but I sure do play the part Beep!! Now I’m in the water Already ahead Why was I scared? I was made for this!