ADHD Brain

You know, I was supposed to be doing my homework, and somehow I got on Tinder.

You're probably asking yourself, why is it that I got on Tinder? Well, it started from me texting my friend Jessica about the Biology homework, and then she was talking about how hot our teacher was.

Now, why on Earth is she talking like that? We're 15 and this man is well in his 30's, if even that. Then I remember her parents' age gap and well.. Maybe it was hereditary? That whole thing with weird age gaps.

Plus I'm pretty sure he was married. I saw a ring on his finger. Is he married? Is it a woman? I personally don't think it is, he looks way too fruity to be with a woman. Is that weird to say? Whatever.

Anyways. Where was I? Oh, right.

So after she goes on about how our Biology teacher is literally her "dream man," her words, not mine, she helps me with the question I was on. Then she asked me if I had a dream man.

First of all. I'm a lesbian but she doesn't need to know that. Second of all- Wait, why am I talking about this?

It was something about Jessica. It had something to do with her. Wait. Right. Tinder! Ew. Why did I use an exclamation mark? I promise I'm not a hoe.

Why does a 15 year old have Tinder? Uhh, the real question is why does this child I saw while swiping that says their 18 when they clearly look 8 have Tinder? Where are her parents?

I swiped left for awhile. I wanted to see if I could find his account because now I was nosy. I gave up after half an hour.

Then I replied to Jessica and I told her I hadn't thought of a dream man. Then I got back to my homework. Not even ten minutes later my friend Tyler sends me a text message and told me that his older brother just matched with our Biology teacher on Tinder.

There was absolutely no way. I didnt believe it. I mean, I was soaking in the fact I was right about him being a fruit cup. I mean hello, I can smell a gay from a mile away. But yeah. Tyler sent the screenshot into a group chat with me and Jessica, me because he told me already and Jessica because she was nosy.

Tyler and I were friends first. Then she started dating Tyler and she swears up and down that we are best friends. We are not. I only put up with her for Tyler's sake. Don't tell him I said that though.

Jessica was bewildered, and I guess she didn't want to accept the fact that the "love of her life" was gay, so she made a bet. She said she would ask her older sister for her old Tinder profile to troll people. Her sister was kinda big on trolling and fucking with people, so of course she let Jessica.

Jessica made the bet that she would swipe right on our Biology teacher, and wait until 5 days after the swipe and if she didn't match with him she would admit defeat.

Well, the match didn't happen. You know what else didn't happen? Me finishing my homework. Now I have to make it up. I hate my life.

It's okay though, because Mom is making lasagna tonight. I love her cooking. Thank God Dad isn't cooking. He needs to stick to the baking. He bakes some delicious cookies. But yeah.

That's how a simple question for Biology homework turned out to be a Tinder fiasco.

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