Start a story in one genre, and then switch half way to another, whilst keeping the story in tact.
A twist in the plot or a change in the characters could help to seamlessly shift the genre.
Side Story In The Dark
Weeks after weeks Skye lost track of how long his been locked in the warehouse the same thing happens every time torture
Day and night it only stops when it’s time for food it’s barely enough. Skye is dragged back into the chair the torturer asks the same question
“Where are the weapon plans.”
The torturer looked into Skye’s tired eyes
“I will not comply.”
Skye responded once again the torturer
Was about to whip him again when Skye saw through his blooded vision another figure walked into the room
“That’s enough Jack don’t kill him.” The familiar voice said the figure moved closer
Skye noticed him as soon as the light splashed across his face
“Sargent Taylor?!.”
Skye said
“Your clever then you look Skye,.”
“Now if you don’t want Sebastian to get hurt you will reveal the weapon plans, or be decommissioned permanently.”
Skye coughed up some blood then said “I will NOT comply Sargent, not to a traitor like you..”
Skye realized he may have pushed is luck at that moment he saw Sargent Taylor get very close and grabbed his jaw. Skye saw how horrible Taylor looked part of his face was scared and slightly melted
“Your the reason the L.I.V.E. core building dropped on me!.” He growled his hand slipped to Skye’s throat. Then started to try to strangle him, before Skye blacked out he was saved by the phone ringing. Taylor stepped back then answered the phone
“What!.” He barked into the phone “wha- I’m sorry Sir I didn’t realize it was you.”
Taylor turned to walk out of the room he nodded for the torturer to continue
Jack raised the whip to strike again then falters
Skye looked at him “why are you stopping?”
Jack glanced at him “your half dead … and this dosent feel right.” He sat the whip down on the counter
“Don’t tell me your feeling sympathetic.”
Jack picked up a knife and held it close to Skye’s face “don’t take my sympathy for an excuse to kill you, your only valuable till your not. then I’ll kill you…. And your family.”
Jack walked back to the table and put the knife down he walked out of the room
Skye sighed a breath of relief then tried to get his bearings there was no escape from this room there was only one door
Maybe I should wait this out he told himself
But he didn’t know how much longer he could take
He tensed up when the door opened again
Jack returned with a med kit in hand
“Your going to fix me up?.”
“No point in torture if your dead.”
Jack sat the med kit down on the table
He quickly got a rag and rubbing alcohol
He was about to press it to a wound when Skye said
“I’ll do it myself if you untie a hand.”
“That’s not gonna happen you might as well try to take me down the moment your untied.”
Jack touched a spot on Skye jaw with the clothe to clean it Skye flinched at the pain
“Try to hold still, I’m not gonna hold your hand cuz of the pain.”
Jack said ad he wiped the dripping blood
“Did Taylor put you up to this? The first aid part I mean?.” Skye said then winced
“This is not evening tea, I don’t know why your making small talk.” Jack replied then
Moved to a small cut under his left eye
After some silence Jack spoke
“No he doesn’t know about me talking care of your wounds, he’d appreciate you living longer to see your downfall though.”
“That’s reassuring.” Skye said sarcastically
“I’m surprised you didn’t see the signs sooner considering you and Sebastian are apart of the 160th. I mean live spelled backwards is evil even a fool should know that.”
He moved his hand to a cut across his right eyebrow
Skye tried not to let the pain bother him but then again he was whipped so much that he lost track his body was sore and ached
“Relax, I can feel how tense you are.” Jack said softly
“Would you be able to relax in my situation?”
“That’s a fair point,.” Jack got up and grabbed a roll of bandages then lifted Skye’s shirt to clean a large gash in his side
Once he was done cleaning the wounds he bandaged the large ones
Then he got up and headed towards the door
“You know all this suffering could end if you would comply.”
“If I did that then other people would suffer because of me.”
“Damn bastard.” Jack said under his breath then walked out of the room