Comfortable Silence
Write a poem with this theme. Silence is often described as something negative; instead explore it in a positive light.
You can hear me typing,
It’s a common complaint, one that I’ve heard for years on end.
I wish the reason was more exciting;
I just love the sound.
Your a hairs breath from putting me on mute,
Someone will call you soon, make demands of your time,
While I sit there in silence, happily ignoring every chime,
from someone who think I have nothing else to do.
This does get a bit much,
You’ve left me on hold for an hour,
And while I don’t mean to have your company as a crutch,
The truth is I miss those moments.
They remind me of the library, the over powering warmth of the heaters,
But now I’m warm hoping that you can understand that I don’t to be here and you’re the only thing that keeps me from running away.