Great setup. I like the immediate nod to The Hangover, since the reader will likely make the connection—good to get it out of the way early. You might consider dropping the rest fo the paragraph after “…moved to the neighborhood and the rest was history.” I think that does enough to set up the friendship, the rest is exposition that might be better revealed or hinted at through actions or dialogue. For example, the next paragraph tells me waaaay more about Drew’s personality, especially when I realize later that a guy wearing a bright purple blazer is calling out the chicken-folk for what they’re wearing lol.
I love tying in the soon-to-be wife, but maybe directly quote her instead of saying what she said. Might make her feel more real, connected.
Lastly, the chicken thing is hilarious. Not only is it a great payoff for the titular pun, but a great visual. I’d suggest playing it up even more. ChickConStrip2021 for example. Maybe play up the pun aspect a bit more, and how that could get, um… confusing in Vegas.
It would also be hilarious if the cluckers weren’t in a random casino, but staying in the same hotel. (Imagine if the only rooms NOT taken by chicken-folk were the rooms they had.) Maybe something happens and they find themselves in the middle of it. One of the attendees is found murdered and stuffed into a deep fryer. Turns out, he was an embedded CIA agent and now it’s being investigated by a former Colonel named Xanders or Saunders! His catchphrase: “Surprise, mothercluckers!”
Okay… I’m getting too caught up in this lol. Hilarious concept. I want to see where it goes! Nice work.