Whispers in the Night

Another night has fallen.

The world, blanketed beneath a thousand layers of black

Sliced all noise to tiny whispers.

‘Tis a dome sunken with the weight of the moon—

That glowing ember, bound to its endless cycle of rebirth

As the stars echo its deafening loneliness.

Darkness conquers the hollow streets and air

Scented with tears of crying children.

Silhouettes of desolate figures creep home,

Their shadows dancing to the sounds

Of hushed whispers.

Does your heart break

As the sky hums with eons of grief?

Worry not, for night too

Comes to an end if you just wait.

Many a soul sits alone, gazing at the stars.

They rejoice in the solace as the world is in slumber.

Oh, their minds wander to lands far beyond

The most fantastical of dreams

While their spirit is fully awake.

The owls beckon them to pour their wisdom, their worlds

Created through ink on paper.

Look, they are laughing while you

Shrink in fear from those strange


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