
I wake up in the recovery room, it looks like all the other rooms, but more empty. This one is just me and my oxygen tank. I look around and there is a nurse, who sees that I am awake.

“Hello, I’m Margaret. Your nurse for the day. On a scale of one to ten, one being the least, ten being the most, how much pain are you feeling?” She asked kindly with a clipboard ready to write it down.

I flex muscles, twist this was and that way. Looking all around and assessing my ability.

“I feel great, probably a 1.”

She nods, as if that was expected. She checks my blood pressure and heart rate then leaves, telling someone to bring me breakfast, and me that she will be returning with the doctor.

So kind, nurses are the best. She was so confident I would feel no pain, so confident in their work. I waited and ate, the food being delicious. Eventually, they returned.

The doctor sat beside my bed. He looked disappointed.

“Chloe, you are quote strong.” He says, looking for a way to begin. I nod, not quite agreeing, but curious of what he will say next. “And that’s why I know you’ll be able to take this, Chloe.”

Take what? I feel fine.

“Due to an issue with the surgery...you can no longer feel the sensation of pain. I’m sorry.”

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