Suibmitted by Maranda Quinn
Create a story or a poem centred around the theme of serendipity.
Serendipity is when a series of seemingly unfortunate events ultimately leads to a positive outcome.
A series of unfortunate events that lead to a positive outcome,
sounds like,
“all things work together for the good of those who Love Him.”
Even the unfortunate events in life,
will come together for the good
if we allow the process to run its course
And unfold in life as it should
So here’s a little poem for you
to tuck away inside your heart
When a series of unfortunate events occur
This is a good place for you to start,
and make some sense of it all
Good and bad happen to us all,
And no one knows what tomorrow brings
It may be good now, and better next, progressively increasing and then you say, man,
I must be on track in this game of life
everything is going so well, no strife
And then it hits, a ton of bricks, a slow slide down an uneven path,
looks like you reach the bottom it seems
Time to start that ascent one again
But wait there it is!
the answer I think,
maybe my ship just came in,
let’s throw my anchor to THAT shooting star and see how far it takes me.
I miss, and my anchor hits sand
Getting pulled away from that sure thing again.
Where do I go from here,
where does my help come from?
Left, right, up, down,
where is my escape,
my perfect outcome.
I suppose that is too much to expect
a perfect path, a perfect end.
But once again the process unfolds,
good and bad happens to us all,
and life’s journey must embrace both to be happy.
And when both the good and the bad are embraced as equal,
our strength will not fail, our purpose remains unmoved
and goodness will shine through,
and we will see all the good things life brings even in the bad things that come.
*The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.
You see the steps don’t have the final say,
They only exist to lead the way
Step upon step is how you achieve
The life that you want and the goals you perceive
And each life is different for everyone here,
Each step unique to see vision fulfilled
There is no right or wrong step to take
Just keep moving forward, keep you eye on the goal
And life will unfold for you in the way that it should
Don’t compare your progress or count your mistakes
don’t give up, keep going, your success awaits
*Ecclesiastes 9:11