It came to me like snails come to gardens: ready to consume,
Ooze with slime,
At first, I didn’t notice,
But then slowly over time,
Clothes became to big,
Hip bones stuck out,
But it was my eyes,
The dead look,
No life in them,
It was like I was without a soul,
Trauma is slow,
At least for me,
Trauma consumes everything you are,
Ripping and tearing,
Chewing and munching on body, mind and soul,
Once upon a time,
I let trauma consume me whole,
Allowed him to win,
But I won’t be plant that allows snails to consume me,
Not anymore,
I will be the fall foxglove,
Towering over plants,
Bright flowers and poisonous to eat,
Or poisonous to hurt,
I will never,
Let anyone or anything consume me whole again.