Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.

Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.

A Newbie Really?

Waking up in a dark damp whare house is nothing new for me being a highly trained professional assassin. Who’s always being tried to be captured.

The gag that’s in my mouth isn’t even tied correctly or tight. Spitting it out I sighed, _‘Again? Who is it this time?’ _Thinking of my possible captures he walked in, a dark silhouette only about four feet away.

“How did you get your gag out of your mouth?” He asked walking closer.

“That’s nothing to ask about. How come I’m here, what do you want.?” I asked starting to untie the ropes on my hands then the ones at my feet.

“How are you doing that?” The figure gawked. “Those were tied as tight as possible, that was the impossible knot!” Fear rising in his voice as he stopped and started walking backward.

“Don’t be leaving quite yet, you haven’t even interrogated me yet. Come on come here out of the shadow I coaxed.” I walked towards him and grabbed his arm, half heartedly dragging him into the light.

Finally being able to see him I pulled his hood off to reveal short brown locks and bright green eyes with a glimpse of horror in them. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he flinched. Hard.

“Your sixteen or seventeen right? Are you a new recruit?”

“Ye..yes ma’am. I am. I’m 16 years old and I was just recruited by…”

He sang like a canary, spilling every last detail of his life and current situation.

“It’s alright kid, I’m only eighteen. I just can’t believe that they gave you the mission to find and kill me, me of all people. The worlds best assassin. Wow…”

He sat there and seemed to be scared for his life, Wich I understood seeing’s how I just told him I was the worlds best assassin.

“It’s alright kid just go home. I’ll stay out of the was of your organizations eyes.”

“But I can’t leave,” he said timidly.

“Why not?” I said slightly annoyed, my short fuse lighting.

“Because they want me to bring proof. A picture, your body, something. I… I… I don’t know what to do.” Tears filling his eyes.

“Well fake a picture.”

“What? Fake a picture.”

“Yes. Now go get those tires off that car, some leather off the seats. I’ll get some grass and leaves. And I’ll find something that looks like blood. Meet back here in half an hour. Got it?”

“Yes ma’am.”

We both went our separate ways and found out items. And I spent the next sixty seconds fixing a fake murder scene.

“Alright it’s dark enough in here it should look real enough to fool your boss. Take the picture.”

He took the picture and then I told him to run along and head back to where he came from. He asked if we should pick up our ‘murder scene’. No. I told him laughing.

“We’ll just leave it and see it on the news later.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes kid. Now go home.”

After watching him leave I stood there and chuckled.

“Only if they knew…” I said to myself walking away from our ‘mess’ glancing at it one last time, “Ooh this will be fun to watch later.”

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