Title your poem after someone you have felt profoundly influenced by in your life.

It doesnโ€™t have to be someone you know personally, but the poem should reflect why this person is important to you, even if it is not directly about them.


I. The look on his face Is sad determination. He seems to know grace And to be done with procrastination. II. His has learned, I think, How to die Well He is not going to blink, And he has no stories to Tell. III Where did he learn to be so strong? His look is a call. It isnโ€™t long Before he jumps or fakes a Fall. IV You can see a kind of homing In the eyes that look Ahead He learned this was coming From what he had done and what he had Read. V He carried his courage with A smile and a laugh for those he Loved Meaning lay not in myth But in his own hand floating Above. VI Empty.
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