Inspired by Luna-eclipse

A character on the brink of giving up finds a small source of hope to keep them going.

This character could be in any situation you like, but try to think of a realistic reason that they would give up, and how they could find a reason to carry on.

Drop Out

Matt wasn’t doing so good. His grades were suffering and he was ready to call it quits. No one in his family ever graduated from college. Why’d he think he would be the exception.

He knew he had to tell his mom he was going to drop out. It would be a tough conversation but she’d understand.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at his mom’s number for a few seconds re-evaluating if this was the right choice. He didn’t have the will to keep going, so he makes the call.

To his surprise his little brother answers. “Hey Matt!” answers Wyatt.

“Oh, hey buddy. Where’s mom?” responds Matt.

“She’s cooking. Grandpa Jack is coming over for a dinner.” says Wyatt.

“Oh nice. Can I...”

“We’re all so proud of you, Matt! Guess what! I had to write an paper in my English class about my hero or someone who inspires me and I wrote my paper on you! I wrote about how you’re the first person in our family who’s going to graduate from college and how I’m going to be the second. I was even the only person in my class to get a 100%! Isn’t that awesome?” Wyatt says with great enthusiasm.

“Great job buddy! I’m so proud of you for working hard and keeping up with your school work! Listen, umm.. I got a study session in a couple minutes. Tell mom and Grandpa Jack I say hi, okay.” says Matt.

“Okay, I will. It was great talking to you!”

“It was great talking to you too!” says Matt, feeling much better.

“Ok, talk to you later.” says Wyatt.

“Ok, love you!”

“Love you too, Matt!” says Wyatt.


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