
In shadows deep, where doubts doth ever dwell,

Suspicion's poison spreads its venom wide.

A seed of mistrust, it doth grow and swell,

A specter haunting hearts on every side.

'Tis like a serpent, coiled within the breast,

Whispering secrets, sowing seeds of fear.

Friendship and love, by doubt are put to test,

And trust, once strong, doth slowly disappear.

The eyes doth wander, seeking hidden lies,

Every word dissected, analyzed with care.

Each gesture, each glance, a clue to surmise,

If truth or falsehood, one must be aware.

Suspicion, like a dagger, cuts so deep,

Till naught is left but shadows, dark and steep.

Yet, suspicion's grasp extends beyond the heart,

To realms where kingdoms rise and empires fall.

In courts and castles, treachery takes part,

As whispers of betrayal echo through the hall.

A ruler's mind, clouded by mistrust's haze,

Suspects each loyal subject with disdain.

Conspiracies imagined, plots ablaze,

Innocence tarnished, trust slain.

In the realm of love, suspicion takes its hold,

Where passion's flame doth flicker and wane.

A lover's heart, once warm, now grown cold,

As doubts and fears begin to stain.

Whispers of infidelity, like poison in the ear,

Lead to jealousy's tormented state.

Each innocent word, now a cause for fear,

Love's foundation crumbles, consumed by hate.

But, perchance, suspicion's grip can be released,

If open hearts and honest words prevail.

Communication, the key to love's inner peace,

To mend the bonds that doubts assail.

Let not suspicion's shadow cast its gloom,

But embrace trust, dispelling fear's perfume.

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