Write a short story in which the main character loses something they are desperate to find again.
Create a sense of urgency and importance to what they have lost, and think about how you can develop your story to build up to the moment they find this item.
Gracewyn sifted through the bin of paints, each tube meticulously labeled with the correct hue. They had just found the perfect green for their newest painting: "Hooker’s green." The color reminded them of fresh-cut Bermuda grass during a dry summer month.
They continued to search through the endless paint tubes.
Everything except for "Hooker’s green." Gracewyn looked at their painting in disappointment. They could color-match the hue, but they'd know it wasn't perfect.
Just as they had given up, something caught their eye on the floor. It was the missing tube lying underneath the bottom of their easel.
Gracewyn reached down and picked it up. “Hooker’s green.”
With a sigh of relief, Gracewyn continued with their painting.