Write a difficult conversation between two characters without using any dialogue tags.

Dialogue tags describe the speech - 'he whispered', 'she murmered', 'they said' etc. Removing these indicators will encourage you to make the dialogue speak for itself, instead of relying on tags to describe and clarify the intent behind the words.

The Extra Mile

Angela jumped up and down like a little girl, “I did it. I ran the whole mile, Vince. I’m ready for the marathon I can feel it.”

His expression was a less enthusiastic, “let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I still don’t think it’s a good idea. You only recovered two months ago, you don’t want to jump in and hurt yourself again.”

“I don’t want to wait anymore. If I mis this marathon then I have to wait another four years, and I can’t wait that long.” She was just about ready to fire Vince, having had this conversation for the third time.

“Don’t be so stubborn! Any other trainer or PT would tell you the same thing. For the last time, I’m looking out for you—“

“Fine. This conversation is done.”

Vince knew she still had every intention of going behind his back and signing up for the marathon anyway. Anytime he tried to talk her out of it was met with unsuccessful results. The hopelessness began to set in as he watched her turn her back and head for the lockers. He had to stop her. Somehow.

(To Be Continued...)

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