I groaned, I hated when they drew you in with the fancy “breaking news” intro, but it was always something boring.

But wait, just before I shut the television off, I saw the headline:


The gorgeous news anchor told me that the missing person’s name was Dave Johnson, and he had been missing for almost two weeks. He had no known relatives in town or anything, so there were no leads. A picture of the missing man popped up on the top left corner of the screen. He looked stressed, like he had something to hide. I noticed something…different about him. He had a scar that started on his forehead and went all the way through his left eye and down to his cheek. It was unsettling, almost horrifying. I shut the television off before I could get any more freaked out.

I sat back and took in all the information. There were three knocks on my front door and I almost jumped out of my skin. I laughed to myself, thinking how silly it was to be scared of something that had absolutely nothing to do with me. I opened the door, and my mind went cold. The very first thing I noticed was a scar that crept halfway down his face. There were two bulky men behind him in IRS uniform and riot gear.

“You’re going to need to come with us, Mr. Butler.”

I began to slam the door, but the muscular man on the left placed his foot in the way.

“Hi, my name is Dave. Come with us, we have a lot of catching up to do….”

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