The Wall

It was known as the wall, there was no need for any other title.

The Wall, as solid rock face, higher than any hill in the kingdom, wider that the sea, it cut the kingdom off from whatever lay byeond.

Legends told of it being put there by either mercyful of crule daities, depending on which set of myths you chosse to beleve, but the tribes that tell these myths are long gone, the kingdom is now united and the old ways and belifes fade. Now exploreres wonder what might be beyond this seemlying impeinterable barrier. Some just want to climb just because the legends say it is unclimbable.

Standing now at thr base of this wall, so many days travel from home, you can see why the old myths were created, surley this is not a barrier that you get go over, through or around, but that is why you are here.

There are questions to be asked and you want to have the answers.

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