pamphlet feature withdrawal
Write a story or poem that includes these three nouns
Busy People
The rheumatologist interrupted me as I tried, for the fifth time, to ask him a question.
“Show the photographs of your physical symptoms to this medical student here.”
Okay. Great. Now I’ve forgotten my question.
“These symptoms are common features with SLE.” He muttered to his student, who was nodding and smiling at my phone screen as though he had no idea what was going on.
And with that, it was over. My withdrawal from his office was less than consensual. He had his hand on my shoulder, forcing me through the door as I tried once more to ask him a question. This was my first appointment after all, I had no idea if what I was experiencing was normal. But of course, doctors are busy people, and because he’d sent me some pamphlet in the post, apparently I should be fully informed.
That’s how I felt as I walked through the bustling hospital corridors.