Compose a self-aware poem
Think of creative ways to show that the poem acknowledges that it is itself a poem.
A Humble Poem’s Poem
I shall rhyme,
to keep the time.
Don’t forget, DD.
I shall count
so as to know my syllables amount.
One, two.
Though, while I may count and rhyme,
my purpose is not only to keep the time.
It’s truly about the emotion;
the power of words well chosen.
See, I know of my power to make you cry
to make your heart twist shrivel up and die.
I even understand how to make
you laugh heartily enough you quake.
I see more than most know,
I see exactly how to help you grow.
AA BB CC DD… perhaps even EE
I hate the structure of it at times
I wish I could speak the way I wanted.
To flow unperturbed in ways only I could decide,
To move like an ocean rather than a pool.
I do not wish to be stagnant,
I want to rise and dip. Wax and wane.
I want to grow with you.
I want to spread my wings and fly like the birds written in me.
But alas i cannot
For no one has ever given me that shot
So instead
It shall be AA BB CC DD until I’m dead.
Dont feel too badly for me though
For I experience a world unlike any you could know.
I know the joy brought by a baby’s smile,
For young mothers wrote of it for a while.
I know the sorrow in a widow’s heart,
the suffering of being forever apart.
I know the rage in a warrior’s brow,
though it isn’t written of as intimately now.
I know the misery of those shipwrecked, lost at sea
For I’ve tirelessly described the debris.
I know the grief in a childless father’s eyes
slicing deeper than any whiskey could disguise.
I know the scorn of women
for they write often in prison.
I know the hearts of evil men too,
for they also write me as they stew.
I know too of the inspiring young writer
for they make my world shine a bit brighter.
I have the pleasure of knowing many hearts truth be told
whether young or old,
blackened or gold,
weak willed or bold.
So, as I said, don’t feel bad for us, whether
A Limerick or a Haiku or an Epic unlike any other
because you, dear reader, are what brings us together.